accountant using a calculator

Strategies for Accountants to Manage and Recover Outstanding Debts

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Ensuring a healthy cash flow is paramount for any accounting practice. Managing and recovering outstanding debts efficiently can significantly impact your firm’s financial stability. This article delves into comprehensive strategies to help accountants effectively manage and recover outstanding debts. Outstanding debts can cripple a business, and for accountants, managing these debts is critical to maintaining […]

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lawyers meeting in conference room

The Impact of Efficient Debt Collection on Law Firms’ Financial Health

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Effective debt collection is a crucial aspect of financial management for any business, and law firms are no exception. Steady cash flow is essential for lawyers to cover operational costs, invest in growth opportunities, and ensure long-term financial stability. Inefficient debt collection practices can significantly impact a law firm’s financial health, leading to cash flow […]

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small business shop owners in front of their store

Debt Collection for Small Businesses: “Tailored Solutions for Success.”

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Small business owners often face significant challenges in managing unpaid debts. Ensuring financial stability while dealing with delinquent accounts requires a strategic approach. Rosenthal & Goldhaber offers specialized solutions in commercial debt collection and judgment enforcement to protect creditor rights. Implementing debt recovery strategies can contribute to small businesses’ financial success. Customized Debt Recovery Strategies […]

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debt collection document

Navigating the Complexities of Commercial Debt Collection

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Commercial debt collection plays a crucial role in the ever-evolving world of business finance. This is where the intricacies of law intertwine with the art of strategic negotiation, and grasping its subtleties is vital for businesses and legal experts. The Operational Framework of Commercial Debt Collection Commercial debt collection is an intricate process that starts […]

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accounts receivable collections

Strategies for Effective Debt Prevention and Collection in the Manufacturing Sector

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Managing cash flow remains critical to sustaining a thriving manufacturing business in today’s competitive marketplace. However, the specter of unpaid commercial debts often looms large, impacting the financial stability of manufacturers and suppliers alike. To navigate these challenges, businesses must adopt measures to safeguard against debt accumulation and ensure timely accounts receivable collection. Understanding the Landscape […]

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Speed up the payment cycle

Speeding Up the Payment Cycle

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I don’t know of a business that is happy to wait for payment after completion of a job. The following are meant to be suggestions on how to get paid for your work sooner, rather than later. It isn’t rude to insist that a customer live up to expectations for payment. After all, they expected […]

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Debt Collection

Know Your Customer’s Pressure Points

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We recently concluded payment of a commercial claim for over 100% of the principal balance. It doesn’t happen very often in debt collection, so excuse me if we brag a little. While conducting the client intake interview for the new commercial claim, the principal of the client told us that his customer was about to […]

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Rosenthal Goldhaber